From the clerk to a loony – TARGETED PERSON IN PRAGUE
From the clerk to a loony – TARGETED PERSON IN PRAGUE
Word of the editor
Dear readers,
on behalf of the Czech Exopolitics and just for your information – not because of “stunt” – we are bringing to your attention one of the terrible cases documenting use of psychotronic/neural weapons against civilians at our home land, i.e. in the Czech Republic (and Slovakia). Given that similar cases have happened in our country over the last, say, 50 years in high numbers – in scales of probably thousands if not more – and because these attacks tend to have quite a similar scenario we decided to choose one of them from our archives to publish it as an exemplary demo. We have already published quite a “shocking” case in the past within the series of articles called “Mind control in the Czech Republic, Part 1” and “Mind control in the Czech Republic, Part 2” (Czech language). The case was about a destroyed military chemist, Francis Korecky, MSc. Now we are going to present to you an account of another incident.
Unfortunately, these targeted people often end up with no support in psychiatric facilities where they are mistakenly and simply labelled as psychotics, schizophrenics or people with bipolar disorder (formerly manic depression). The official Czech psychiatry has no concept of the differentiation between unusual behaviour and mind controlling advanced military weapons. And actually, the latter is considered unthinkable. Even if one of the doctors/psychiatrists would have some notion of it he would pretend knowing nothing and state that the whole thing is an utter nonsense. Who in particular stands behind these mind controlling experiments and why he does it represents quite a complex issue and we are not sure if we can right now produce a complete and accurate answer to it.
There are many types of schizophrenia – so the diagnosis can hide many things: abduction, targeted people, people with other very unusual experience, e.g. from the field of parapsychology, and the like. In other words, nobody explores why and what you say and do, but once you act abnormally, you are defined as schizophrenic and – problem solved.
Let us take a closer look what does the term “person targeted” mean.
It is a kind of “program for human deprivation” that uses highly sophisticated technology. With the help of this technology can be created a “schizophrenic”. Numerous techniques are applied for the total elimination of a previously healthy person from an ordinary life, namely:
mind control,
input images to the optic nerve,
scenes playback “before his/her eyes” (or so called telenotie: broadcast of synthetic telepathic image into the brain – TV broadcasting directly to mind),
synchronized communication with the TV or radio,
voice and speech control of targeted person (forced commands into subconscious – targeted person pronounces sentences imposed),
commands (targeted person is operated from distance – the victim will do anything “they” command – with no possibility of resistance).
auditory sensations control
writing telepathically dictated “fake” letters and messages etc.
In his/her social circles the targeted person soon begins to show “psychiatric” features, psychiatrists often refer to as “psychosis”. At first the afflicted person does not understand what is happening to him/her. And even if he/she does he/she has no chance to confide to anyone because his/her behaviour is classed as “strange” if not “dangerous.”
Clueless/hopeless families, relatives or friends do not take “brain attacks” stories seriously and conclude that they can only help by placing the person in question into a mental asylum.
What most psychiatrists in these cases consider to be “hallucinations” and/or the clear manifestation of some kind of “schizophrenia” is often a series or a sequence of brain control techniques. This control is run through e.g. a military satellite by certain “brain teams” – if we borrow the term of Korecky, MSc. These teams by using remote, perhaps satellite technology, focus one’s brain – and then there is no escape. The “diseased” is then subjected to a definitive exclusion from normal human society and balances on the brink of despair, suicide and approaches the state of an absolute human ruin.
The last “nail in the coffin” involves the mandatory use of heavy “Zyprexa” type antipsychotics with which one basically becomes somewhat of a work incapable little beast. And thus the afflicted individual faces homelessness and death. This is, in general, a method of discreet liquidation of a particular person – and points to bad interpersonal relationships in our Czech society. And although this program has been running for decades the truth about psychotronic attacks and star wars cannot be found for a simple reason: the public is absolutely uninterested in the so-called “mentally ill”.
More about psychiatric drugs here:
or the book: John Virapen – Side Effects: Death
Jaroslava lives in Prague and has experienced an absolute hell. It all started in 1998. The witness calls it a period of madness.
Jaroslava worked at the state office in Prague. That day she began to feel weird in the afternoon around 2 p.m. She had an urge to leave her office earlier and so without any explanation to her colleagues she just rushed out. And her strange “thoughts” have come. Over the course of about 10 years she has been meeting people in her head either in thoughts or later in the form of voice. They were familiar to her – someone whom she had known or met in her life. That afternoon someone from the New Acropolis appeared in her thoughts and announced to be waiting for her outside. Without a goal she zigzagged across the park and in her head – according to her words – “the streams of mad and elusive thoughts mixed up”.
Suddenly she found herself on the National Avenue and did not have a clue how she had got there. She stood there in front of the department store and some scraps of pointless thoughts kept haunting her. To hide from it she crawled beneath the car. But after a while she climbed out and quickly ran through the National Avenue to the Shooters’ Island.
Her thoughts were full of nonsensical commands – e.g. she was not allowed to look at anyone…. She did not remember her getting home. Back at home she started preparing hot boiling water for her children leaving for school instead of their snacks. The witness was divorced, the older son Alesh was then 16 – later he went to the Business Academy – and Irzik was 14. The children watched their mother’s actions suspiciously and were completely bewildered by what had happened to her. Jaroslava began to have incomprehensible thoughts type of: the gloves appeared in her bathroom, something of hers was supposed to be lost and so similar. She states these kept circulating in her head but were not her thoughts. She felt as if something had happened to our mankind that a ministry had collapsed, that it ceased to exist. Her gas supply closed down, so her heating system switched off and she was cold.
An Alesh’s friend came to visit. Jaroslava was at home alone, received the young lady but told her that she did not have any children that they got lost, they did not come home. She lived in the Prague quarter of Vysotchany at that time. The young lady was quite confused by Jaroslava’s answers. They left together to visit this lady’s mother, who then helped Jaroslava to make telephone calls to find out where her children were. Then Jaroslava returned home. At this point she began to lose track of time.
Two work colleagues came to see her because they had not heard from her as yet. At that time she had a white sheet thrown over her black sofa because she was unable to sit on it. She behaved strangely, so they left. The story, however, continued on to its key stage: our witness stripped off, wrapped herself in the sheet and naked and bare foot walked to the street. You see, at that moment she was receiving and accepting ideas that she was a yogi. She walked along the pavement, then back to her house and in front of her neighbours who had stood on the staircase she kneeled down and started “bowing like a yogi.” She was not able to respond to the neighbours’ questions about what was happening to her. These were probably shocked neighbours ladies who called the rescue because after a while the police and the rescue arrived and Jaroslava was taken to the Bohnice mental asylum.
At first she was hospitalised in the Pavilion 27. But she still had thoughts that God would set her free or take her somewhere, so she repeatedly climbed onto the window. She was further instructed to move onto the mat that would take her there somewhere – and she believed it. She was absolutely powered over. She claimed that even at the time of our interview everything she was doing was controlled.
The witness has been on records of mentally ill since 1998 and has been receiving disability allowance since 2002 for severe schizophrenia. Later she was moved from the Pavilion 27 to the Pavilion 5 that had been reputed to be the worst one. In this ward her condition deteriorated – she could not lie or sleep, just walked back and forth. To sit down and eat represented a great deal of suffering for her. She claimed that her nervous system had been completely broken up by some kind of powerful energy. She felt the flow of mighty energy.
Her mother and her brother visited her. She complained that her mother -unlike others- had been bringing her instead of food only eye shadows and mascaras. You see, antipsychotic medication administered in psychiatric hospitals often causes uncontrollable hunger and at the same time patients do not get enough food. They seek to get more food and consequently begin to gain weight. Eventually, she was transferred to the more vacant Pavilion 30 where, however, her condition started to deteriorate yet again. When she was not able to follow the regime and her thoughts began to repeat senseless parts of the story, such as being naked in a room with others looking at her, and when she started to wrap herself in a sheet and get out of her room, she had to be one morning moved back to the Pavilion 27.
Eventually, she returned home although the “pills” had not improved her condition. Out of many pills she remembered only Zyprexa. Her nervous state was still the same: something was constantly running in her head. Allegedly, they abused her over children.
Not until 5 years ago (2003) she learned who were those “they”. Supposedly, she had been linked to the UFO and the “voices” had originated from there. The voices acted in mental chaos and as if mismanaged and contributed to Jaroslava’s complete disintegration. She was totally exhausted from the energies they had sent into her head. They showed her e.g. pictures of her children dying of cancer. These images were in grey-black colours – reminiscent of a black-and-white film.
Electronic bullying, voice to the skull (V2K)
At that time another “voice” appeared, and began to calm her down – repeating monotonously that the children were all right. This “voice” was of male and was as loud as a radio high volume turned on. You see, they did input this to her head too loud. It was seated in the left part of her head. The male voice spoke in Czech or in Slovak, was older, say over 60, simple, primitive, he spoke fluently but repeated some words to cause pain. He used familiar form of address and sometimes vulgar words to be abusive. Then allegedly they let her to recover because they were not interested in her dropping off.
The “voices” also forced her to throw away various things. She dropped some things out of the window and found herself again in the Bohnice asylum. In total she has been there about 13 times. When the pavilion 10 where she had been hospitalised was moved to the centre of Prague (quarter Karlov in Prague 1), she continued her treatment by attending the psychiatric surgery there.
The “voices” then began to talk with Jaroslava her family’s past. The talk was in a narrative style and started with her mother’s grandmother history.
As for Jaroslava’s mother: she was mostly interested in Jaroslava being granted a disability pension so that she would not have to look after her. She used to come only three times a year from Slovakia to see her daughter’s children – rather than her daughter.
Later on the “commanding voices” turned up with asking her to stop paying the rent and bills. Jaroslava obeyed. She could not refuse because she was totally controlled. Further on she explained that she had been only marginally interested in questions about extraterrestrial civilizations but had been interested in healthy nutrition. She claimed that they had taken advantage of this comprehension when controlling her.
The “voices” began to convince her that she was some 13th yogi. Then came up with a story that once she had even been the “Sisypho goddess in Atlantis”. In her eyes they projected a picture portraying herself wearing the white robe standing next to a man in black. He was from the society or rather from a “sect” called the New Acropolis and supposedly had led affairs over there and allegedly killed her … and so on, so forth.
She could not even read herself. The “voice” did read instead. “Voice” or “voices” have been further on described by her as human with somewhat “technological sound” but sometimes she sensed them as completely pure without any electronic distortion.
Jaroslava’s children flew every summer to Australia where lived their father and Jaroslava used to stay at home alone. Once, her mother thought it a good idea to take her to a different environment and had in mind her own home cottage in Slovakia. At that time Jaroslava was unable to do anything as if she were deprived to perform any corporal activity, so e.g. washing her hair was a big problem, go and do shopping was a huge physical problem. Mother and her brother arrived to collect Jaroslava together. They behaved strangely. Mother was suspiciously smiling, which usually was not the case. At that moment Jaroslava again began to receive the “voices”. This time they accused her of committing an offense against the universe and condemn her to never ending agony in all her further lives. She was to take up all human transgressions and suffer indefinitely. And in all this “infinity” she was to keep looking for her children. She often saw her children being tortured somewhere by someone or dying. E.g. Alesh died three times and Irzik also 3 times but then each time they suddenly appeared back at home. Subsequently, the witness was horrified by the fact they were there. For a long time she believed Alesh had not lived and told others. These were still those grey-and-white projections in front of her eyes.
They used her eyes for TV watching. While the witness could not concentrate on any programme they sometimes watched with her and concentrated instead of her. E.g. in 2008 she watched the series “The Lost” which the “voices” highly appreciated. Back to Jaroslava’s trip to the Slovakian cottage with her mother and her brother. As has already been mentioned in this article the couple behaved strangely on the way and talked incoherently. The witness alleged that they also had been intruded and were told by the “voices” that “they” had connected to them. “They” further informed Jaroslava and verified that she, her mother, her mother’s brother and a National library colleague whom “they” allied later – all these had been under “their” control. “They” claimed to catch also one of her lady friends but the witness was not sure about this one.
The entire stay in Slovakia Jaroslava described as one great cascade of strange events and confusions. There, her mother was almost cruel to her. One evening she sat on Jaroslava’s bed and started singing. She used to be an operetta singer and a theatre performer. At the time of our “Slovak story” she was already 76 years old. It was then when the “voice” in Jaroslava’s head ordered her to go out. This was the commanding energy power. Outside she experienced an energy knock. The energy current was so strong that she ended up in a nearby brook. The fall caused her rib to get smacked but she pulled herself together, tossed off her boots to ease her running away and in her nightgown she run down the village. The attendants called at her asking where she was running. She was heading towards the town of Ziar nad Hronom. The energy defeated her twice throwing her to the ditch.

Jaroslava – ill-fated woman performing bizarre episodes in which being seen as a loony – under the energy current coming from a remote control weapon (from a satellite or from a space ship etc.)
The “voices” tested Jaroslava in different ways. E.g. once they bullied her to go homeless. Thus, at the “voices” order she was forced to live in the street!
Jaroslava stated that because of these “voices” she actually did not have any dreams. She described it by the term “they had cleared out my dreams”. Moreover, they allegedly were able to transport her via the way of dematerialization and rematerialization. She moved from place to place even though she did not even go there. They also had the ability to manipulate time and reality. In front of her eyes they “shifted” houses or entire housing estates or replaced them with completely different ones and thus they confused her. She reckoned that her mother had been transmitted as well. In mid-2006 the “voices” announced that the secret police were on their way to her apartment. She took the most important things and abandoned the place.
Once, at the cottage, Jaroslava’s mother left the living room saying that the previous evening she “had had a conversation with God” and proudly walked away. The witness thought – what a nonsense, you see, God does not talk to anyone.
The “voices” also said that they had given birth to her son Alesh because she was no longer able to do so. The child came out of her without her pushing. The “voices” might have followed her since her childhood. Occasionally, they analysed her experiences back to her childhood.
Personality devaluation program
In February 2007 Jaroslava’s condition began to improve. The “voices” did not stop but they had a different program for her. They had always called it programs. Now – it was said to her – they were returning her back to life. They were streaming to her ears effervescences in various frequencies and in different degrees of intensity. It was a fine tone vibrancy. She grouped these tone vibrancies into categories: in the first category one can fall asleep, in the second it gets worse and in the third it becomes a mockery. The fizzy tone was pulsing in waves and was ear-splitting. It was something as if one gets under high voltage wires.
They explained to her that she was connected to an intelligent brain capable of speaking to which “they” had inserted (in some crafty way) a subject – a program directed into her head. E.g. once she was ordered to do a theatre performance. She opened her mouth and began to speak. The theatrical text was pouring aloud from her mouth the whole 3 hours. She had never met this text before.
The “voices” also told her that they have been listening to her and scrutinizing her apartment.
Jaroslava stated that her “voices” chose her because of her mother. They caught her mother sometime between her ages of 14 to 16 years. “They” joined her because she was very ambitious, talented, she wanted to prove something in her life. “They” have cared for her ever since. Mother did not have these voices, she was on another program. “They” granted her with plenty of talents as to develop talents in men has always been their chief property. She was an excellent operetta soloist. The birth of her baby drove her insane: you see, she was a beautiful woman with long black hair and green eyes.
The “voices” began to say to Jaroslava that her life was a punishment for her coming into existence. Her mother was excellent actress of age 24 when Jaroslava was born and got in the way of her career. Jaroslava became a burden and her mother rejected her. The “voices” pointed out that it was her mother who was “The chosen”. Shortly after Jaroslava’s birth her mother divorced her father, an artist and married a soldier. She used to drag her little daughter round theatres as she had no option where to leave her. By our witness she was referred to as a cruel and heartless mother. Jaroslava mentioned also a brother who has been living with another mother’s husband.
The “voices” and their orders have been targeting Jaroslava’s head because of following reasons: to punish her, to enjoy themselves and to test new technologies. The “voices” explained to her that “they” were here because they “had created us” thus the witness was their possession and they could do with her as they pleased. In order to explore the life on our planet they were of habit to choose one or more persons to examine his/her life or lives and contribute to these lives with their concept of “care” and “help.”
In fact, Jaroslava was deprived of the process of thinking, she has lost her own thinking and everything has been decided and manipulated by “them”. They made of her a complete puppet on the string. E.g. “they” used to manage her as follows:
“Now take the laundry and put it in the washing machine. Now go to the kitchen and take your soap …”.
The “voices” announced they were close to 10 years of their presence with Jaroslava and that the one who has been leading this experiment – they called him “Old chap” as they often used a street slumber – perhaps will end this program. But there has always been plenty of promises. It has come to her ears that a group was formed there in their circles that disagreed with this abuse project and went distant.
Allegedly, all her apartment has been under their siege. They used to amuse themselves with rearranging items in this space. And not only once, you understand. E.g. She entered into the living room but suddenly was back in the first room that had long been rebuilt. As if they photographed the room, created it by the picture but then changed it back to its previous version. Another game: they shifted e.g. wardrobes from the right to the left and after a while from the left to the right making Jaroslava totally disorientated.
They have learned everything about the people Jaroslava associated with. Their circumstances, status, occupations, etc. They have monitored all of her contacts.
Jaroslava has never spoken with anybody about the “voices in her head”. She revealed all of it only to the Alpha Project. This witness has experienced neither UFO abduction nor implant input.
The Alpha Project Team met with Jaroslava in September 8, 2008.
We would like to express our thanks to the witness for sharing with us.
© 2008 and 2015 Karel Rasin
Translation: PhDr. Jarmila Pomekacova – June 15, 2017
More about similar issues see also:
The bulk criminal notice in Slovakia and the Ministry of Defense of Poland:
Canada and the same phenomenon:
Also related:
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