It would be naive to believe that our mainstream scientific community has an explanation on important issues of our human history, its origin and evolution. Forget now about conventional history textbooks, take a break from academia and insight into this matter from a different angle.
For millennia has been Homo sapiens – the kind that appeared after the extinction of the Neanderthals – around the world in small groups living from hunting and picking. For mysterious reasons, around 3000 years B.C., all of a sudden six great civilizations turned up: Egypt, Sumeria, Peru, Mexico, China and India. These civilizations with no previous experience and knowledge began addressing agriculture whilst completely threwing away the tested way of hunting and picking. Why they decided to pursue such a risky and untested way of life without even knowing whether the very agriculture ensures their survival – this is something our official science explains with vague and banal assertion that “they just started to do agriculture”, without specifying how exactly these Homo sapience had ever come to the whole agriculture idea. The explanation that it came by with evolution and plain logic – these people clearly noticed that some plants can be grown – would not make a sufficient argument for an appreciative reader.
Scientific guesses about how the advanced knowledge of agriculture came about are rather purposeless as ancient civilizations themselves have left us their records who had taught them. Unfortunately, what happened is that historians studying these records are not willing to take them seriously admitting even that these civilisations just concocted everything. Although these civilizations had no contact between themselves they all accordingly stated they had been gaining their enhanced knowledge from Gods. An idea of “a God descending from heaven and teaching people how to engage in agriculture and other things”, represents for conventional science such a hard nut to crack that they prefer to ignore the whole fact about some helper from the sky, i.e. about someone whom they, of course, cannot reasonably describe.
Using just an ordinary common sense we have to ask: “How is it possible not to take seriously what the ancients correspondingly stated about themselves? How did we come to see all this as spurious stories or as rumors and myths? What reason would six advanced civilizations have to lie about themselves?” Well, these spurious claims were brought about by sceptical scientific community by themselves for reasons obvious: if supposed the ancients only fantasized then their historical legacy would have no weight….. To accept that in our history an extraterrestrial intervention took place represents for scientific scholars very bitter pill that, under no circumstances, they are inclined to swallow.
All of these six civilizations left us some records of how Gods descended to the Earth, created mankind to their own image and introduced to them achievements of civilized life. You see, I have some degree of fellow feeling for orthodox scholars because they have to cope with the Darwin’s theory being challenged by the sudden birth of ancient civilizations and similarities in their development. To say goodbye to something that at times sounded barely reasonable must epitomize a hard blow below their belt – especially for those most rigid ones. The next harsh point is that no intermediary Homo sapiens were found that would integrate the advanced realms with the tribes of hunters and pickers who had remained in other parts of the world continuing to live in their previous style for many further thousands of years.
It does not seem at all likely that such amount of details in these “myths” is the work of mere chance. I think that we are convulsed in agony – kicking around – but do not want to accept the most obvious fact that the ancients simply told what they had experienced, i.e. the truth. In fact, they were so stunned by so much more advanced newcomers that they attributed them with divine qualities. Consequently, we come to an uneasy conclusion that the human evolution has been affected by an advanced alien race or races that by using genetic engineering redesigned humanity or/and created mankind of their own image. Then they began to cultivate this newly formed kind, taught them farming, building colossal pyramids and many other things.
This can easily be seen as the missing link in human evolution. The implication of this is quite a striking idea that the type of Homo sapiens did not evolve from Neanderthals, who actually suddenly disappeared, and that as a matter of fact there is not any missing link. To adopt the shocking information that one is not a product of the classic evolutionary Darwinism, as constantly keeps repeating present day science, but that our man was – come hell or high water – created by some alien race – this is for many of us the fact of most terrible, which we will refute up until our death.
Now, for a moment, let us turn our attention to the prevailing dogma about how life on the Earth was originated. I have learned that Darwinism offers two essential processes: mutation and natural selection working together over time to gradually transform a fish into an amphibian, an amphibian to a reptile, a reptile into a bird and finally a bird into a mammal. And fossils should serve as the ultimate proof that life on our Earth evolved in this way. However, according to available sources, the excavations that have been carried out so far did not confirm this presumption. So, can we make a conclusive judgment then? I am afraid not. Moreover, no person has ever witnessed a reptile turning into a bird or a non-flowering plant into flowering.

In autumn 2016 in the journal “Topic” was published an article about “cavemen in us.” Thus, we can only ask: have even supermodels like Claudia Schiffer and Linda Evangelista evolved originally from narrow nosed monkeys of the Old World?
The scientific community would like to present themselves as some sort of unified unit and thus presents unified conclusions. The fact that there were not found any fossils of intermediaries of various creatures and – by extension – of the man as well represents for scientific establishment a serious danger. If life should have evolved gradually from simple into complex life forms through a series of mutation then there would have to be an abundance of middle forms. However, according to archaeological communities the ever found fossils show a rather different picture: all of a sudden new fully completed types emerged out of nowhere, remained for long periods of time without any change and then disappeared.
Official scientific community is either silent to this fact or again resorts it to a bland statement that “everything is explained in the theory of evolution”. I understand that the theory of evolution has been or we might say still is attractive because it explains in simple terms life evolution on the Earth. And also, you see, even if only superficially – but makes sense. The fact that this theory has many cracks and does not correspond to the found artefacts is heavily suppressed or downplayed. The transition interfaces simply do not exist and are unlikely to be discovered even in the future. Another shocking fact is that although scientific population is well aware of Darwin’s theory lacking evidence they keep pretending that the theory is still completely valid. They failed to deal with its shortcomings. And thus, the general belief goes on and we learn yet again about worms being originated from protozoa, transformed eventually into monkeys and then into humans.
There is one more issue I want to bring to your attention: an assumption that an order came out of the chaos. How could randomly aroused something with no system maker at hand eventually stretched to a highly structured module? You see, nothing ever happens by chance, there is usually a plan for everything. The fact that humanity is suffering from the shock of rapid development and that this ontological shock is the main feature of our society confirms yet again that the man did not evolve through natural evolution. It all looks as if to an underdeveloped civilization was given advanced technology that gradually takes over this civilisation, makes it more dependent and then destroys it.
Our man has created an illusion about himself full of mainly unrealistic fantasies such as e.g. an ambitious vision about his own perfection. He is a man who has grown far away from his original purity, nature and spiritual growth – he has become a human forgery. However, another question comes out: if he has not accrued from a natural evolution but from a genetic intervention then what kind of naturalness he actually held in his beginning?
The next interesting question regards to a poor human behaviour towards the planet Earth. What reason can the man have to loot his planet, to deplete its resources and to destroy relentlessly its nature leaving numerous ecological disasters behind? Well, maybe because he is not exactly connected with it. In other words: if a man did not originally and naturally arose here he in fact does not belong here and thus it is not surprising that he has no parental relationship with the planet Earth whatsoever.
The notion of alternative theories today sounds almost like a mockery. This was generally caused by the controlled propaganda in media of whose objective it was to strengthen conventional science at all costs and to evoke a smile when one speaks about the theories that offer other explanation oppose to that of our official science. However, let us remember the familiar buzz of Jara Cimrman (a Czech thinker): “the opposite is true.” Unfortunately, the mainstream science conclusions representing conventional thinking in many fields are shared in school textbooks and thus this dogmatic approach is stubbornly spread and the theories that are more realistic cannot come forward. Our official science itself – with its theory of the evolution of humans and animal species – can be in fact assigned as an alternative theory. At its core lays just an implausible hypothesis, an alternative view, full of guesses and assumptions that have never been proved.
Or do we really think that the massive pyramids of ancient cultures around the world, some of the blocks weigh from 20 to 400 tons, were built and transported with primitive means – a system of pulleys, ropes, props, wedges and slave labour? Why would they bother themselves and struggle with such a complex constructions? Why would not they build something much simpler? What should be their reason to build – by means of “hand” – such colossal monuments for which transportation they had no technology at all?
The idea, if accepted, that our man is not a child of evolution but a child of the test-tube belonging to someone much more advanced, would cause a shock from which recovery would be possible only for very resilient or open-minded individuals. And we must ask further: was the true aim of our forefathers to create exactly this type of man? Really? The current human dummy surrounded by advanced technology, blank inside, devastated by consumerism, confident in his exclusivity and arrogantly thinking that he is by far the only existing intelligent being? Or did alien genetic engineers made somewhere some kind of mistake? Or should our man be rather considered an orphan whose “parents” failed and he was left to his fate instead?
If the man was made separately in each different part of the planet then we could easily deduct why each group of individuals obtained a different skin tone. Only a comprehensive revision of the orthodox interpretation of our ancient past can help us to get rid of our misconceptions about our origin. The necessity to reconstruct ideas about our origin has become imminent and we should spare our mercy for “our professors having to return their diplomas”. In conclusion, out of many questions waiting for clear answers I choose the one most basic and spontaneously arising: Where is my home land, indeed?
Author: Karel Rašín; Exopolitics Czech Republic – 28. 10. 2016
Translation: PhDr. Jarmila Pomekáčová – 20. 03. 2017
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